- Unlimited students
- Student tracking & notifications
- Discussion forums
iAllow students and instructors to communicate with each other. Can be public or private.
- Advanced quizzing & assignments
- Memberships
iCreate private forums, automatic enrollments, and set course duration.
- Robust reporting analytics
- One sample course (editable)
- Easy drag and drop Course Builder
- Useful prebuilt templates and layouts
- Digital Asset Management Libraries
iCreate and manage asset collections. Search and use local and Cloud assets with ease.
- Comprehensive user guides & video tutorials
- Secure cloud hosting
Additional features include:
LMS Manager and unlimited Instructor roles
- Cloud storage
- Unlimited Courses
- Fully Responsive courses
- Template builder
- Course difficulties
- Course Tracking
- Competencies
- Bundles and Memberships
- Priority Support
iDedicated customer success manager.
- Onboarding package
iCourse creator training.